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Victorian Land Tax Assessments
Land Tax - State Revenue Office Information Land tax is an annual tax based on the total taxable value of all the land owned in Victoria, Australia, excluding exempt land such as your home (principal place of residence). Land Tax is calculated using the site values (determined by the Valuer General Victoria) of all taxable land owned in Victoria, Australia, as at midnight on 31 December of the year preceding the year of assessment. This means the total value of taxa...

Urgent Repairs for Rented Properties
Recently we’re received calls from Renters who rent properties from other real estate agencies and Rental Providers because they’ve encountered Urgent Repairs on a public holiday or afterhours and they weren’t able to contact their managing agent or Rental Provider. It was challenging to hear how anxious the Renters were as they were trying to do the right. So what's the legislative framework when Urgent Repairs happen? Renters must contact their managing agent or...

Converge Real Estate - New Real Estate Agency Opens
Welcome! Converge Real Estate is excited to assist people on their journey to success and welcomes your call or email. Call Dominic Monaco on 0417 008 754 or email [email protected] for a confidential discussion - afterhours and weekends are fine too. Thanks :)